Demand for low-calories products

A growing number of customers have turned to buying products without added sugar.

The impact of excessive sugar consumption on health is currently an active area of social debate.

Following a guideline for sugars intake from the WHO, several European countries are considering introducing new regulations or public health policy measures to lower sugar intakes in their countries.

As a result, reducing sugar content while retaining the same taste and texture can be a significant challenge for manufacturers of specific products.

For example, healthcare professionals and consumers in Europe have been inundated with information about the excessive levels of sugar in fruit juices in recent years.

This has resulted in a decrease in fruit juice consumption.

Therefore to help stimulate consumption of 100% fruit juices, the European Fruit Juice Association started a promotional campaign using verified scientific information about the health benefits of fruit juice.

Tips for producers:

Consider replacing added sugar in your products with other sweet ingredients.

One of the options can be using concentrated fruit juice as a natural sweetener in jams or dried fruits.

Other possible sweetening options are: lucuma powder, mesquite, stevia, banana puree and tree syrups (maple, birch, agave, yacon, etc.).
